Over 2 Million Meals Served! Union City is proud to have served over two million meals to its students since the beginning of the pandemic in March!
"Think Globally & Act Locally" After reading Branded, students wrote letters to chocolate company CEOs, asking them to find ways to ensure their cocoa comes from farms with no child workers.
The Week of Respect! During the Week of Respect, students at UHMS created their own Anti-Bullying pledges. They vowed to be #upstanders and #standup against acts of bullying and to #showkindness to all those around them.
FREE AND REDUCED-PRICE MEAL APPLICATION! The deadline for submitting your application is Tuesday, October 13, so please complete and return it in the enclosed envelope right away!: https://forms.gle/KVJhSUseqKj2Xpgo8
ELA Classes Design Virtual Lockers! After Ms. Morello introduced herself to her new ELA 8 classes at UHMS, she had them introduce themselves by way of a virtual locker activity. The students were to add items to their virtual locker that were symbolic of their interests and talents.
VIRTUAL SCHOOL REOPENING LETTER Union City public schools will be completely virtual for the beginning of the 2020-21 school year. Please open the the link above for more details.
We are so proud and thankful to our Union Hill Middle School "SuperHero" teachers and staff for all of their efforts during this challenging time