🥇The National Junior Honor Society Induction Ceremony🥇

We extend our deep gratitude to the parents and families for their unwavering support and encouragement. Your partnership plays a vital role in their success. Congratulations to our exceptional students! We can’t wait to see all the amazing things you will achieve in the future!

Celebramos los extraordinarios logros de nuestros alumnos durante este acto especial. Su duro trabajo, dedicación y excelencia les han llevado a este notable hito. 

Hacemos extensivo nuestro profundo agradecimiento a los padres y las familias por su inquebrantable apoyo y aliento. Su colaboración desempeña un papel vital en su éxito. ¡Enhorabuena a nuestros excepcionales alumnos! Estamos impacientes por ver todas las cosas increíbles que conseguiréis en el futuro.

The National Junior Honor Society Induction Ceremony at the Union Hill Middle School

The National Junior Honor Society Induction Ceremony at the Union Hill Middle School

The National Junior Honor Society Induction Ceremony at the Union Hill Middle School

The National Junior Honor Society Induction Ceremony at the Union Hill Middle School

The National Junior Honor Society Induction Ceremony at the Union Hill Middle School

The National Junior Honor Society Induction Ceremony at the Union Hill Middle School

The National Junior Honor Society Induction Ceremony at the Union Hill Middle School

The National Junior Honor Society Induction Ceremony at the Union Hill Middle School

The National Junior Honor Society Induction Ceremony at the Union Hill Middle School