The Importance of Fire Safety

While there, firefighters instructed students on fire safety and prevention, walked the students through the daily tasks involved in firefighting, and gave each student an opportunity to explore the fire truck. Students had a great time and were given a gift bag from the Fire Department which included a fire safety coloring book, crayons, and a fire helmet.
Las clases de habilidades para la vida de Union Hill de los salones 14 y 202 visitaron Engine 11 en Jersey City. Fue un día muy educativo para nuestros estudiantes.
Durante su estancia, los bomberos instruyeron a los alumnos en materia de seguridad y prevención de incendios, les mostraron las tareas diarias de los bomberos y les dieron la oportunidad de explorar el camión de bomberos. Los alumnos se lo pasaron muy bien y recibieron una bolsa de regalo del Cuerpo de Bomberos que incluía un libro para colorear sobre seguridad contra incendios, lápices de colores y un casco de bomberos.
Fire Safety for Union Hill Middle School Students
Fire Safety for Union Hill Middle School Students
Fire Safety for Union Hill Middle School Students
Fire Safety for Union Hill Middle School Students
Fire Safety for Union Hill Middle School Students
Fire Safety for Union Hill Middle School Students
Fire Safety for Union Hill Middle School Students
Fire Safety for Union Hill Middle School Students
Fire Safety for Union Hill Middle School Students