Photo Album

UHMS Cheerleaders with coach on bleachers
uhms students cheering in the bleachers
uhms students cheering in the bleachers
uhms basketball game
uhms basketball game
three teachers as score keepers
uhms basketball game
uhms basketball game
uhms basketball game
teachers selling snacks
basketball team in conference
cheerleaders chearing during half time
cheerleaders dancing with pom poms
UHMS Girls Basketball Team with Coaches on the sides
UHMS Girls Basketball Team with Coaches in front of the girls
UHMS Girls Basketball Team with Coaches on the sides
cheerleaders lined up ready to go to court
in the middle of a play of boys
girls running around gym getting warmed up
boys warming up before the game
boys practicing dribbling
girls warming up  by passing the basketball
girls warming up  by passing the basketball
boys taking turn making the basket
long shot of the basketball court showing both boys and girls warming up
boys and girls teams on the court facing the audience
boys and girls teams on the court facing the audience
girls getting ready to play
boys playing and one making the basket
cheerleaders performing
cheerleaders performing